If you have been injured in an Automobile accident in Detroit or the Detroit area, you need to speak immediately with the best Detroit Car Accident Lawyer to obtain all no-fault benefits and money damages to which you are entitled by law.
Many personal injury attorneys will accept your automobile accident claim but there is only a handful that will handle your claim properly and thoroughly to get you all the benefits and money that you deserve. You need to find a law firm with experienced auto law attorneys who concentrate specifically on automobile accident cases. Additionally, you need to find an auto accident attorney who handles automobile accidents and wins jury trials in Detroit and Wayne County. After a car accident, you need to call the best car accident lawyer available.
Why Do You Need a Detroit Car Accident Lawyer?
When you are involved in a car accident, the insurance companies begin to fight your case immediately. Not only will you be up against the insurance company of the car that caused your accident and injuries, but your own insurance company will fight your claim as well. They will immediately gather as much information as they can to minimize or totally deny your claims. They will use trained adjusters who will contact you and try to obtain statements and other information from you in an effort to deny coverage. To prevent this and protect your claim, you need to call an experienced Detroit Auto Accident Attorney immediately.
Once your auto accident lawsuit is filed, the insurance companies will use attorneys who concentrate only on automobile accident cases. They are specialists in car accident cases and they are located in and appear regularly in the courts of Detroit and Wayne County. Insurance companies’ auto lawyers are well familiar with the inner workings of the Detroit and Wayne County courts and, since they go to trial there regularly, they can enjoy a home-court advantage much to your detriment.
Insurance companies’ lawyers are often able to force injured auto victims and their attorneys to accept settlements that are simply not very good settlements because the plaintiff’s attorneys do not wish to go to trial. Sometimes plaintiffs attorneys will agree to waive future benefits so that they don’t have to go to trial against the insurance companies’ skilled trial lawyers. Ironically, plaintiff attorneys will often brag about their settlements and claim they won when in reality the insurance company won by paying the Plaintiff only a fraction of what the claim is worth. You should not allow yourself to fall into such a predicament if your are involved in an automobile accident. The only way to avoid this is to find auto accident attorneys who are willing to go to trial and win jury verdicts. Attorneys who always settle their cases rather than going to trial when necessary typically do not obtain the best settlements for their clients.
Some personal injury firms have very good reputations and may be strong in one area of law but weak in other areas such as auto law. Even if you are calling a very good firm, you may still end up with a mediocre auto lawyer. You have to know how to select the proper auto accident firm capable of obtaining the largest settlements and verdicts in Detroit and Wayne County.
As may be apparent by now, when you are injured in an auto accident, the cards are stacked against you right from the beginning. In order to stand a chance against the insurance companies and their skilled team of Detroit car accident lawyers, you have to find a skilled legal team of your own and you should do so immediately so that you don’t lose any benefits or money that you are entitled to.
How Do You Find The Best Detroit Car Accident Lawyer?
In today’s world of marketing and advertising, it is very difficult to determine which attorneys are good. The average consumer is often unaware of the differences between jury verdicts, judgments, default judgments, awards, settlements, dismissals, etc. Attorneys advertise they are top rated, most experienced, nicest, received the highest award, have the highest success rate, will meet you at the hospital, etc.
The insurance companies’ lawyers do their job by refusing to pay you what your claim is worth and by forcing you to go to trial. They may offer you a fraction of what your case is worth and tell your attorney to take it or risk losing it all by going to trial. Sadly, attorneys who won’t go to trial will accept the settlement. The real fighters will take your case to trial when necessary to win what your case is really worth. That is the kind of attorney that you want if you have been involved in a car accident. With attorneys claiming to be the best or elite or at the top, how do you find the best Detroit car accident lawyers?
Other attorneys who do not practice auto law will nonetheless know who the good Detroit Auto Accident Attorneys are. You could call 100 auto accident attorneys and each will tell you why they are the best and why you should hire them. If you call 100 attorneys who do not practice auto law and ask them who the best auto accident attorneys are, you will hear only a handful of attorneys names popping up over and over again.
Call the Law Offices of Donald Peters to Find the Best Detroit Car Accident Lawyers
My firm networks with other attorneys so that we can utilize the best attorneys in each field. We are independent and not tied to anybody. We are free to send you to the very best Detroit Car Accident Attorneys who can get you the largest settlements and jury verdicts. We do not associate with or utilize inexperienced auto lawyers. We only use the best auto lawyers who obtain the highest jury verdicts and settlements.
Order your Detroit Car Accident Report
You can obtain your DETROIT CAR ACCIDENT REPORT and other information by visiting the Detroit Government website. CLICK HERE
Call today for a Free Consultation to obtain the best attorney for your automobile accident in the Detroit area. (248) 549-3485. FREE CONSULTATION. No Win- No Fee. Law Offices of Donald Peters.

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